Boots are an essential part to any person’s attire where safety and performance are a requirement. This applies to leisure activities as well as job related activities. As important as the tools that are used on the job, the function of work boots helps you get the job done. If you are spending a lot of time outdoors, you need boots that will protect your feet in all kinds of terrain.
Leather Boots
Leather work boots are noted for their durability. Able to take the abuse of a wide range of environmental situations, leather boots are both comfortable and tough. They protect the wearer’s feet and ankles from injury and withstand the wear and tear of prolonged use, whether you are camping and hiking or working on the job. A quality pair of leather work boots can last years depending on the circumstances and type of work that you do. Their longevity is also contingent on the care you provide for the boots themselves, by treating the leather with protective measures that keep it supple. Leather treatment also protects the leather from moisture and grime which will prolong the life of the boot.
Rubber Boots
Your job or leisure activity may have specific conditions that require your boots to possess waterproof characteristics to help you do your job. Modern footwear technologies have evolved significantly in keeping the foot from getting wet from outside sources. Design and materials work together to keep water from infiltrating into the interior of the boot. Rubber boots are still one of the most popular types of foot wear when seeking a work boot that will keep your feet dry in the wettest of conditions. They not only need to be waterproof, but depending on the type of conditions encountered, may need to be of a certain height keeping the water from entering at the top of the boot. Because of the importance of keeping the foot dry, boots that are capable of keeping water out probably represent the singular most important characteristic of any type of work or hiking boot worn in certain conditions. Imagine how productive you would be if you had to walk around in wet boots all day. Throw in another variable like cold and working or hiking could become impossible.
The Perfect Pair
Pac boots are specifically designed to prevent both the infiltration of water and insulate against the cold. They can have draw strings at the top to help keep snow and debris out and are often taller for the same reason. Because walking through snow can be an additional physical challenge, pac boots are often made of lighter weight man made materials. The tops are sometimes made of a waterproof nylon material affixed to a rubberized lower portion. The rubber bottoms have a waterproof characteristic and a tread on the bottom that minimizes the possibility of slipping. Traction technology keeps the wearer steady in both icy and snowy conditions. This is important for safety and performance reasons alike, whether you are on the job or out hiking winter trails. Extreme conditions place enough of a challenge on a worker without having to deal with safety issues or discomfort, much less not being able to perform one’s duties.
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